• Ingredients:
  • 10 oz package of FunGuy Mushroom Stuffers
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of butter, divided
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • Pinch of salt and black pepper
  • 2 slices of provolone cheese
  • Fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped

Some believe that stuffed FunGuy mushrooms are only appropriate before the big meal at dinner or lunch. Oh how wrong they are.

The fun of FunGuy Mushroom Stuffers can be had any time of day, and we think they go particularly well at breakfast (brunch too!). These are even quicker than your average stuffed mushroom because this recipe employs the microwave to give a helping hand. Which means there isn’t a long wait to get your fast broken!


  1. With a damp paper towel, gently clean each FunGuy mushroom of any debris. Pop out the stems and discard. Transfer the mushroom caps, hole up, into a microwave safe dish buttered with ½ tablespoon of butter and set aside.
  2. Place two layers of paper towels on a microwave safe plate. Lay the bacon strips on the paper towels and lay two paper towels on top of the bacon. Microwave the bacon on high for 4 minutes. If the bacon isn’t crisp enough to your liking, microwave an additional 1-2 minutes checking every 30 seconds.
  3. While the bacon cooks prepare the eggs.
  4. Crack the eggs into a bowl along with the milk, salt and pepper then beat well with a fork. Heat 1 tablespoon of butter in a nonstick pan over medium. Add in the garlic and cook 1 minute.
  5. Reduce the heat to low and pour the eggs into the pan. Allow the eggs to cook slowly until the edges of the eggs have lightened a bit. Stir the eggs gently by pulling the edges into the middle. Continue to do this until the eggs are cooked and fluffy with minimal liquid left in the pan. Turn off the heat.
  6. Remove the bacon from the microwave and break or cut it into small pieces.
  7. Place mushrooms into the microwave and cook on high for 2 minutes. Remove them from microwave and spoon the eggs into the hole, top with bacon pieces, and return to the microwave for another 3 minutes.
  8. Cut the provolone cheese slices into small squares and place one on top of each mushroom before returning the mushrooms to the microwave for 1 more minute.
  9. Remove the cooked mushrooms from the microwave and dab the bottom on a paper towel to remove excess liquid before plating.
  10. Allow to cool 1-2 minutes before serving with a sprinkle of fresh parsley and any leftover bacon bits on top!

Have a Fun breakfast!